Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Drilled Skull Plate Tutorial For Makie Doll- Part One

Part ONE!

Ok this is a LONG post, it is instructions on how to drill a skull cap to allow you to make a rooted wig. I started this back in November so this is the first part I had posted over at the Makie forum. I have posted it here too so you can use for future reference.

So - started off marking the cap with pencil dots

Lots of dots!

I then used my beadsmith metal punch which works perfectly on the nylon and punched as many holes as I could. It doesn't have a long neck stretch so I will have to drill the remainder.
I also found that towards the back of the skull was harder to punch so they will need drilling too.

The tool of choice for punching thigs!

As you can see I can't reach all of the holes but I got a lot done!

As Far as I could punch- the rest will have to be drilled

Out comes the heavy artillery for the drilling- I used the biggest tiny bit I had which is a 1.5mm. I accidently broke it before I completely finished it so I have decided to order 2mm ones which is close to the beadsmith punch. The nylon is VERY easy to drill. I had no issues at all

Drill on hand, good ole fashioned stanley handrill

This is it for now, the skull came went back on fine, just have to wait for my new bits to arrive and I'll be able to carry on. I did think about sticking some pins in to create a pinhead from Hellraiser effect but the holes are too big for dress pins, so that would need to be another project another day LOL

Times where a hole in your head is useful!


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